New Plan of Action
Started Crave Action Plan and some of Daniel fast from Saddleback Church praying the antiinflammatory foods will help fight the pain and be able to move better.
Action Plan /Daniel Fast
Been studying Crave action Plan with friends and studying Daniel Fast. Second day of trying to elminate unhealthy foods and add fiber and colorful anti inflammatory foods. yesterday ended with a headache.i know this will not be easy but asking for prayer.:smile:
starting over
Frustrated because I got a rash and temp and needed to advoid the pool.today seemed like i had never exercised before.i did half of what I was doing but at least i kept track of my exercise and food intake. Just got over the pity party and refuse to give in to emotional eating.i found out my biopisy slides are missing and…
So very happy about this group. I was hopeing there was one.:smile: