New to "Body by VI"
Hey! I'm trying the 90 day challenge by VI, and I would really love some friends on the same program.
looking for extremely motivated friends male or female!
Just looking to build up my friends list with more amazingly motivated successful people :) Add me please :)
Looking for more friends that are extremely motivating :)
Hi! I'm Shaina, I'm currently a nursing student and need to lose 45+ pounds my fiance is doing insanity and I'm feeling the pressure to step it up because he is looking very good!!! Any friends that are motivational with great weight loss ideas would be loved and appreciated!
Looking for my Rockin body friends!
Hey everyone I'm looking for any friends but it would be awesome to have some who are on, or just started the beach body program by Shaun T "Rockin Body". Any reviews and feedbacks would be great!:smile:
Looking for friends!!!! =D Add me please!
Hey I'm new to this site and I'm looking for some friends to motivate me and to just have someone to talk to that's going threw the same things as I am!