I had a wedding to attend this weekend and we all know what that means.. lots of dreaded pictures! This time was different for me, I didn't shy away to the back row and felt like a million bucks in my new dress. Couldn't wait to see the pictures. Then when I saw them I was a little bit in shock.. Is that really me? It was…
The scale is driving me nuts! I have lost/gained the same 3 pounds for the last 2 months and I still have 40 pounds to go! (not looking for pity or advice, it's just the facts) So I decided to cheer myself up by digging out the new jeans I bought this weekend and comparing them to my favorite pants from last summer. I have…
I am in love with this recipe! I just put my version of it into the recipe tracker today and 1 cup of it was 384 calories. I just finished eating it and I am really satisfied-actually kinda full..bleah. :) http://www.celebrations.com/content/low-fat-chicken-and-tomato-mac-and-cheese You could start with the base recipe and…