Subject say's it all. Can I count the ice tea I drink towards my daily water goal?
Going on an Anniversary Date this weekend. We want to see a movie. What the best out right now and what should we avoid.
I have lost 1/3 of my goal weight and my breasts have not gotten even slightly smaller. I am currently a four D. I have resigned myself to the fact that I will probably have to get a reduction and lift when I reach goal. Can anyone advise me on what this procedure usually costs and do they have payment plans. Is it worth…
Sounds like a pick up line, huh? Actually I am hoping to find support from women with the same sort of issues as I have. Women over 40 have physical challenges others don't have or understand. I am 46 and starting to experience signs of menopause. Gone are the days when I could eat slim fast for a month and loose 20 lbs.…
I was hit by a truck when I was five. Actually he ran over me twice, once in reverse and once in forward. I was paralyzed for a month and had to learn to walk again. As a result my hips are out of alignment. The pain has gradually worsened in my lower back over the years to the point where I hurt 24-7. I have done…
How close should come to the suggested calorie goal? Both under and over. <><
This is only my second day using Myfitnesspal. Yesterday I went over my goal on Fiber and Protein and today I have already exceeded my fiber goal. Are these things I should be concerned about? I mean fiber and protein are good right? I am NOT exceeding my calories or fat.