Does anyone have any strange food behaviour? I am unable to have baked beans and runny eggs on the same plate......can't bear the thought of my egg yolks touching the bean sauce! Strange, I know!
So, I have been weighing in once a week using the electronic scales at a local Boots Pharmacy and have been losing at a steady pace of 1-1.5lb per week. However, this week I lost a little more than I bargained for, not only had a lost a pound, I had also shrunk 8 inches. 5ft 2 to 4ft 6 in a week were not the inches I was…
So, I was having a great week.....trying to keep carbs low and training every day and reminding myself how I really wasn't missing that ole devil called wine..... ........Then the unexpected happened here in London........the sun came out......and before I knew it, I'd given in to peer pressure and was sitting in balmy…