Balls of freakin steel...
That's what my little bro has! He has just completed ironman UK which is a 2.4 mile swim followed by a 112 mile bike ride and then finished off with a 26.2 mile run! He wasn't the fastest but he's been at it for nearly 17hrs today! He is a 24 yr old marine who finished his 3rd tour in Afghanistan only 6 weeks ago, so…
When I grow up....
I want to be like my little brother. He is 23 and a marine, he has not long come back from his 3rd tour in Afghanistan and in a few weeks will be taking part in Ironman to raise money for charity after only having 6 weeks back from his tour to train in. He has also done the New York Marathon.. again to raise money for…
New to group :D
Hello, I'm really sorry to ask all the questions that you probably answer constantly from new starters but I was just wondering if someone could please explain how to take measurements for this group and where to go from there... In layman's terms would be fab because I have no clue with all this nutrition stuff.…