Today at night I was on YouTube and saw so many inspirational videos of women losing over 100 + pounds. That is something I would love to accomplish, I just don't know where to start. I also am scared because every time I try to lose weight I always fail. I'm scared for myself as well. This is the heaviest I have ever been…
Today I looked at myself, like actually stared at myself in the mirror and hated what I saw. Stretch marks, cellulite, rolls, etc. I hated it every but if it. I decided that enough is enough. Why should I continue destroying myself? I want to ice skate but I've been to afraid to go in fear of falling and not being able to…
Hey everyone i'm 17 amd I really want to lose weight. I've always struggled with it my whole life and my family isn't much of a supporter maybe you guys can help me stay motivated and be kept on track. Free feel to add me. I know I have a long journey ahead of me but im willing to actually do it. I don't want to br fat my…
Hey im caroline and im 17 and need people to help me lose weight. All my life I have been heavy and u need someone to help me u started this a,long time ago but forgot about the app but I reslly want to start. I feel like my support system at home isn't that great so I need people to help