My Jeans Ripped Today... Again...
UGHHHH LASDKJLAKURJNKAS83490QURFJN,.ZXMC,NOIUQWRLKNLAKNVWEL942380JNKLLKJDSOUGAND That is my frustration, laid out for you in text on a computer screen. -WARNING- What you are about to read maybe TMI for some, but hey, I'm just trying to tell it like it is. Once again, my jeans ripped in the crotch area today. This is the…
The Inevitable Doom of Having to Wear a Bathing Suit
Hello everyone, So in about 3 and a half weeks I will be going on vacation with my family. As a senior in college I have been struggling with my weight ever since I gained the infamous 'Freshman 15'. Last year I was barely comfortable enough to wear a bikini, but now I don't know. I feel like if I wear a bikini I will be…
Weight Loss Supplements
Has anyone out there had any luck with weight loss aids? This can be pills, gels, homemade things, anything!
The Triumphant Victory Over My Own Insecurity
Well everyone.. I did it! I went out and a bought a real bikini. Not a tankini, not a bikini with high waisted bottoms, just your standard bikini. I took my friend with me for moral support, and she definitely helped. As I took it in the dressing room I could feel my breath begin to quicken. I was getting so anxious and…