The Triumphant Victory Over My Own Insecurity

Well everyone.. I did it! I went out and a bought a real bikini. Not a tankini, not a bikini with high waisted bottoms, just your standard bikini. I took my friend with me for moral support, and she definitely helped. As I took it in the dressing room I could feel my breath begin to quicken. I was getting so anxious and nervous to try it on. When I did, I didn't look in the mirror. I just opened the door and showed my friend. She told me how good it looked on me and how cute it looked. When I finally turned around to look in the mirror, I was stunned. For the first time I didn't look straight to my love handles or my pouch. I looked at the whole picture, and I agreed with her. For the first time I felt confident in a bathing suit. I may not be super skinny or have perfect curves, but I am beautiful. It took a lot of courage and strength to realize it, and yes some days will be bad days. But by finding strength in myself and having support from others I know I can do this. So thank you to everyone who supported me and gave me strength. It means more to me that you'll ever know.
