Looking for inspirational friends
I have notice that I have always been visual, let me see something I like and in no time I will work my way to that. I got a new car, new job with more money by doing things this way and now I would like to get healthier and stronger again. However, just like Popeye needs his spinach and yes I am old enough to remember…
No Sex Satisfaction
We all look forward to getting it on with someone at one time or another. I just hate that we lose love with each other over time and the divorce rate proves these so no rebuttals about that please. If you are in a loving relationship that is as exciting as the day you met then this is not for you. For the others however,…
Looking for insirational friend
I have notice that I have always been visual, let me see something I like and in no time I will work my way to that. I got a new car, new job with more money by doing things this way and now I would like to get healthier and stronger again. However, just like Popeye needs his spinach and yes I am old enough to remember…
I am going to do it this year
I have let myself balloon to 300lbs, the heaviest I have ever been. Somehow I got comfortable with just eating and relaxing, but no more. I had watched a video about a man that died and came back, with in it he describes how the angels showed him demons for all sins. Greed, sex, illness, everything you can think of, there…