Hey there! I've tried P90x a few times and love most of the workouts, but I find I am just not strong enough to do chin-ups. I've tried assisted pull ups with one leg on a chair but I'm not really feeling it where I should. I stuck with it for a few weeks once and didn't find any changes... This time I want to start…
I've recently joined a gym with the hopes of putting a bit more muscle on my body. I am 22 years old, 5'2" and weigh approx. 105-112 lbs (My weight tends to fluctuate between those markers often). I plan to circuit train with machines 3x a week for about an hour, but I need some advice on what I can do to keep my strength.…
I work a fairly active job that requires me to run up and down 3 flights of stairs in 2 adjacent buildings. Recently, I wore my mothers heavy but waterproof winter boots and felt incredibly toned by the end of the day. Since then I've been thinking about buying some ankle weights that I can wear to work. I was wondering…