sun_n_jazz Member


  • Calories > Macros > Micro You will not gain weight unless you eat at a surplus. You may notice a difference of energy and mood levels depending on how much protein and fat you're getting a day. If you have a deficit in certain essential vitamins then you could always adjust how much sausage and grits you eat to make sure…
  • I am a petite woman and while I think there's a place for cardio in any exercise routine, I definitely prefer to strength train. If I worked out 5 days a week, 1 of those days will be a cardio day, the rest a strength training routine. Then only reason I do cardio at all is to train my heart. Generally speaking though,…
  • Thanks guys for all your advice! I'm definitely going to try out a bit of everything you have said to see what works best for me :)
  • Thanks guys- I appreciate the advice! I'm a little worried about stringing the band over my pull-up bar. It's one of the bars that just hang over doorframes, so it's not attached in any sturdy way. Would seated rows help at all for this, or would it be better to try out the methods you've suggested? Sorry I'm a bit of a…
  • Make small hills out of that mountain. :) Milestones- and don't forget to reward yourself. You got this!
  • If you're looking for new friends, add me! I'm climbing out of the hole of depression, but while I was there I stopped exercising, ruined my posture with my desk job, ate almost anything and everything without regard to what I 'needed', and now I need to find a new healthy balance with my life. I'd love to be friends with…
  • I just joined the group too! I'll add you. :)
  • Is your job very stressful? I find after family emergencies, or other stressful events, I feel bloated, unmotivated, etc. It can be really hard to stick to a routine. You can do it though- maybe jump in the gym for a workout on your way to work. You can shower there and finish your commute after. :)
    in I'm new Comment by sun_n_jazz May 2015
  • Add me! I would like some lady friends so we can motivate each other!
  • Thanks everyone, these are great suggestions actually! It's super helpful and I'll keep all of this in mind. The reason I'm worried about protein powder is because I... well, I love to eat tasty food. So if I can get my protein from that I can kill two birds with one stone. But if I ever make a shake or a smoothie I could…
  • Wow Tim, I would love to be friends! :) You can do it!
  • I did these in a combination of regular squats, and curtsy squats. Jumping is a bit too noisy for a baby in the house.
  • All finished for today! Whew!
  • I'm 5'2 and started at 115, my goal is 105 too! Feel free to add me. :)
  • I love making soups! You can always have a slice of bread and cheese or whatever on the side. Especially if your soups are vegetarian (Red Pepper Bisque is divine!) you don't have to worry about all of the nutrients being poured down the drain like when you boil vegetables in water. Soups are also pretty filling, because…
  • I feel the same! I'm looking to tone up; I'm a 5'2 at approximately 110 pounds but I really want to be lean, not skinny. So far I've found trying new weight training exercises (simple ones like push ups, squats, curtsy squats and abdominal leg raises) has made me notice a difference in my over all fitness level but I…
  • Hi Sarah! I'm new to this group too. :) I'll add you!
  • As someone else said in here it could be hydration. I used to get serious pains when I would exercise at the gym when I hadn't had much water or liquid in me. Personally I never warm up, but I always do stretches to cool down and sooth my muscles after exercise or strength building. I always found that it helps get me back…
  • I have the same problem. What I find helps is downing a big glass of water. I don't usually want anything after that. If I can't kill the craving I grab one or two cookies or the sweet I'm craving and put the rest away, hidden from view. Then I take my time with the sweets I have. If you eat slower it makes you feel fuller…
  • I've never been very over weight but my mothers side of the family have had joint problems (childhood arthritis, cartilage degeneration in the knee etc;) and I feel like I'm getting some of that as well. Would you suggest that I not use weights on my legs?
  • Just finished mine! Feel so productive!
  • I feel the same way! I'd love to tone my butt, but also my core while also working a touch on my upper body strength. I have been doing push ups, bicycle sit ups, torso twists and starting today I'll add in the squats! :)
  • Wow, this seems pretty tough actually, but I'll give it a try!
  • Hi Brandon, Welcome to the site! I actually signed up about 10 months ago after a coworker showed me myfitnesspal. I'll admit I haven't really used it but I've been wanting to get back on track! I'm a college student at U of T, so I might just add you! It will probably help keep me on track to have someone else to talk to.…