Hoke One One Running Shoes
If any of you are interested, I've been running with my new Hoka One One Bondi 3 shoes. All I can say is I wish I had these years ago. Maximalist shoes are simply amazing and my body is thanking me. I know there has been people big on the minimalist shoes for quite some time now, but I just don't agree with it. Any one…
Paleo Runners
I've been eating a Paleo diet since August 2013 and was wondering if there are any other long distance runners who eat the same diet? If so what do you eat for a pre-race dinner in place of pasta?
Runner's Knee or injury?
Has anyone ever had runner's knee and then it just went away? I was running last summer 50+ miles some weeks and on a run had a intense pain in my left knee. It was so bad that I had to walk the bike path the rest of the way back to my car. I tried to run again at different times after the pain because I was registered for…