Why do they allow men to have their shirts off pose in their underwear and all kind of other stuff but as soon as a lady post a pic in a bikini top, or shows a tad bit of cleavage their pics are removed or their threads about said body part is deleted. Oh no you said you love your boobs you are in violation of our terms...…
When i lift i dont 4-5 sets per exercise; i start with what i would call my "workout weight" and then i get heavier towards the end of the sets. My question; is it more effective to start heavier and work down to my workout weight or is it more effective to do it the way i am doing it if i want to get stronger
If you want to strengthen your core and crunches are not much of a challenge for you try Turkish Get Ups... you can use either a dumbbell or a kettlebell...
Spit or swallow them... I swallow them for a little extra fiber just hard to get them down sometimes if i eat to many...
Why does everyone introduce themselves and say i would like to lose xxx lbs or i would like to get back to xxxlbs???? Isnt there more to life than a specific number on the scale???? Is the number on the scale the only way you will feel successful???? It is just something that seems strange to me especially after reading…
Everybody on this site says diets dont work, diets can't be maintained long term blah blah blah but when it comes to these fads like P90x or Insanity people on here swear by them. Those workout videos you see on infomercials are just like diets you can't sustain them over a long period of time so why do we continue to use…