ACL tear and muscle sprain/Exercise Ideas??
Hey ya'll... I'm going to get an MRI today to confirm a tear in my ACL and diagnose what's wrong with my ankle/tibia, poss stress fracture... ugh. Anyone have ideas for exercises I can do while rehabbing? I am going to PT, but they usually focus on stuff I can do there. I don't have a pool and we don't have one in my…
Engaged & Dieting
Hi Everybody! So good news is I got engaged on New Years Eve! YAY! But now I am working to get myself in shape and hopefully lose some weight before I buy the dress and everything. I really really don't want to HATE the way I look in my wedding photos! I was basically doing the Slim Fast plan before and I had lost 14…
Old Break in Leg Aggravated - Worried, Should I Get A New XR
Hi Everybody, About 10 years ago, I was in a bad car accident and broke all 3 major bones in my leg. They were all compound fractures and I was treated with IM Rods in both my Tibia and Femur. I did PT regularly and was able to walk again within 6 months. Since then, I've always had a limp and occaisionally my knee will…
Stair Climbing and Decreasing Time Affecting Calories Burned
Hi there! My friend and I walk up and down the stair well at our work 2x a week. It is 4 flights of stairs, each with 24 steps up and a landing. :blushing: In the beginning (about 1.5 months ago) we could only do 3 flights of stairs which took us about 20 mins. We had figured it to be about 281 calories (using the daily…
Bad Meatloaf...
Hey Everybody, I need a pep talk! I had a bad night last night... and by bad, I don't mean that I ate too much meatloaf... I mean, I worked really hard to make a good, more healthy meatloaf and I failed. I failed desparately. I am so not a cook. I mean, I have my staples which I can make with my eyes closed, but they…
Bad Meatloaf...
Hey Everybody, I need a pep talk! I had a bad night last night... and by bad, I don't mean that I ate too much meatloaf... I mean, I worked really hard to make a good, more healthy meatloaf and I failed. I failed desparately. I am so not a cook. I mean, I have my staples which I can make with my eyes closed, but they…
Love To Line Dance
Hey ya'll!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE to Line Dance! I used to go to Renegades, my local watering hole, and kick up my heels and dance the night away... sometimes 2... 3 times a week. I recently moved over an hour north and haven't gone in FOR-EV-ER! But... today... I start Intermediate Line Dancing Lessons at the Rec center near…
Sugar is destryoying my diet! Help!
I'm new here, and I finally figured out that Sugar is destroying the hard work I am trying to do here! My preset's didn't have Sugar in them when I first started, so I was thinking I was doing really good, when in reality, I was sometiems eating 3-4x as much sugar as I am allotted. I know some people will knock it, but…
New to Site! ~Shuutnstar
Hey there, My name is Jenifer and I am new to this site! I have got about 70 pounds to lose. Nothing too daunting, right? I work as an Administrative Assistant in a Dental Implant Company and sit on my butt for 9 hours a day and on top of that, I have a 1.5 hour commute! Anyhow, this seemed like a great resource, so I…