Shuutnstar Member


  • And you have to remember, every single one of us has a different body chemistry so each method of BC may affect one of us in a pos way while having neg effects for others. It sucks, but the best thing to do is voice your concerns with your Dr. Take their recommendations, and try a new one every 3-6 months or so if you are…
  • Update! ACL is not torn but has lost 70% eleasticity... so I will need an ACL replacement. I'm liikely going to do that soon (next few weeks) because I am getting married in 6 months and I need to be recuperated before then! But my ACL is not the cause of the pain in my shin... We were able to rule out a stress fracture...…
  • I'm so frustrated! I had my MRI today and they said they couldn't see much of anything because the interference caused by the rods in my leg. So we are hoping that there will be enough to go on in the MRI, but I'm not holding my breath.
  • Bump! Don't know but would love to find out as well!
  • I am with you! My FI is getting heavier and heavier and nothing I do is helping him. He has to make the choice on his own... But I think you should address it... Ask him if he can get into bed before you or something because when he gets in it is bumping you around alot... In a related story... my mother and my step father…
  • I'm kinda in the sedentary boat. I am having some severe problems with my leg. I partially tore my ACL a while back, and while it started healing I ended up wrenching it again... So now even walking to the car and from the car to my desk and back at the end of the day has been hard for me. Should I still be eating the 1200…
  • bump. Love the playlists. I've been MEANING to set one up... like I've been MEANING to exercise. But since I got this stress fracture... all I can do is crawl into bed after work and pass out. These should really help me with the motivation factor!
  • Turns out I have a stress fracture very near my old break. Couldn't see it on an xray, but on an MRI it lit up like a christmas tree. Actually looks like I have had 2 of them, 1 is older and healed... must have been from all the dancing I used to do. I always would hurt during, but just thought it was cuz I was so heavy.…
  • Thanks guys. I called my old Physical Therapist and they are going to get me in on Monday. (I can't make it in before then as I am car-pooling and don't want to drive my buddies car that far.) They are going to do some Xrays and manipulation and have a "look-see". I will keep ya'll posted. And Maurie... I know how you…
  • Well it is not just up. It is up and down 5 filghts. So 240 steps... but that still it doesn't seem to add up either. We take a short break ever time we hit the bottom landing (probably 15-30 seconds). Drink some water... wipe down. But we used to have to take a longer break at the very top and bottom. 30-55 seconds, I…
  • Way to go on making a change! This is a great site and you can find TONS of recipes and people to help support you! My Suggestion is to set up mini goals for yourself. I set Monthly goals and I am working hard towards achieving those. I also set a daily goal to drink 9 glasses of water. I have a support system at work, and…
  • Good for you for fighting back! I know how those moments can be horrifying! I still HATE going to clubs for the same reason, even though I'm not as big as I used to be. I was always embarrassed about my weight and stood against the wall, or danced with my friends, but I was always afriad people were pointing and staring. I…
  • Crystal Light really helped me increase my water intake. I really like their pink lemonade, pomegrate raspberry lemonade, and the FRUIT PUNCH is the BEST! Also... trying different brands of bottled water. I couldn't stand drinking the water at my home when I was growing up. We had sulfur (rotten-egg) smelling water... so I…
  • awesome! thank you for sharing!
  • Lol! Ihad a bad day this week too and did the same thing... then I came on here and logged my exercise and tried to log crying. Guess they don't have a calculation for crying yet... wonder if the Livestrong site does. Way to go, girl! Don't let them get you down!
  • I've heard that too but it's GOTTA be a myth... right??:ohwell:
  • Oh yea... Did I stay within my calories? HECK YEA! I was even 50 under and I hadn't even logged my exercise yet! Did I drink my water. Yes! I set a new goal. I sent the message below to all my friends to keep me honest! So today is going to be a good day! Make yourself a new goal! Mine is drinking a 16oz bottle of water on…
  • So today is going to be a good day! Make yourself a new goal! Mine is drinking a 16oz bottle of water on the way to work and on the way home from work each day. Send me a comment with your goal, and it will give me an idea and I will try to check in with you and see how you are doing! It will also give you accountibility!…
  • Now make sure you CELEBRATE this milestone with something other than food! Take yourself to a rollarcoaster park or something you love to do, that doesn't directly involve food! For me, 20 pounds is a Massage at the Breakers! I'm excited! 10 more to go! Congrats and Keep It Up! :drinker:
  • Hey Guys! Just wanted to check in.... It's been a rough couple of weeks for me emotionally. Had to deal with a friend trash talking me behind my back and a fight with my live in boyfriend. So... it was tough. But I DIDN'T go for the Chips & Dip or the Ice Cream, that used to be my comfort blanket! I went for my bike…
  • Hey Guys! Just wanted to check in.... It's been a rough couple of weeks for me emotionally. Had to deal with a friend trash talking me behind my back :grumble: and a fight with my live in boyfriend. :cry: So... it was tough. But I DIDN'T go for the Chips & Dip or the Ice Cream, that used to be my comfort blanket!…
  • My OMG moment was when reading my accident report many years after the fact that I was considered obese back then. I have since put on a good 50#... I was reading the paramedic report, and in cold, hard black and white, it said, "young adult caucasian obese female." I just sat there and cried... Why couldn't someone have…
  • Hey ya'll... Newbie here. Where do you find the C25K Program to start?? Thanks!
  • Hey everybody! Great thread! So... I'm Jenifer. I'm new to MFP. Have been doing it for about 2 weeks now and I am down 5 pounds! Yay me! But I am struggling with the things you address here, so I think this will be a nice fit! I weigh in on Mondays... so my last weigh in was 214. So... Yesterday... Did I drink my water?…
  • I get a lot of protein from a Slim Fast shake, ice and a banana! Yummy, refreshing and VERY FILLING! 11 grams of Protein. Also decently source of fiber (just make sure to bring some BEANO or Gas-X or you could embarrass yourself when you first start drinking these! Sugar is a bit high and it has a bunch of carbs, but I…
  • Hi there! I just started myself about 2 weeks ago... and at first I had a hard time with hunger. But keep small snacks either on you, or if you are a desk worker like me... in your cubbie! I keep a jar of peanut butter with me at work and whenever I am going too long without eating (sometimes you get caught up and can't…
  • Thanks for all the input guys! It really helped to know that just that one thing wasn't going to de-rail me. So I am monitoring my sugar intake by eating less processed foods and I have cut back my soda to 3x a week now. But I won't beat myself up over the sugar in milk, banana's, grapes... etc. :flowerforyou: Thank you…