Hey Guys, I am not sure if you have ever completed a challenge with a prize, if so did you receive your prize? I completed the Better Together Challenge in Aug of 2020. I received an email stating I was a winner of 2 Under Armour Infinity Bras. I had to send my address and size. They still haven't arrived as of February 9,…
Frustrated runner
I have been running for a few years now. I have run some half marathons and my first full last year. I am currently struggling with what feels like a shin splint in my left leg only. I changed my shoes about 2 months ago. This has just started happening about 2 weeks ago. I went for a massage last week, my calves were very…
First Sprint Tri
Hi all! I have registered for my first sprint tri this summer. I am very confident in the cycling and running part of it. The swimming is another story, I have started swimming lessons. I think I am a fairly fit woman, but still get very winded swimming 25m. I presume this will get easier the more I train? I was also…
Winter Running Shoes
Hello All! What shoes do you wear in the winter? I am in the market for a pair!! I need something that will keep my feet dry and have some grip in the snow and on ice.
The number on the scale....
I have been struggling with my weight for the past 16 years. Let me start by telling you that I am 5’3” and medium frame. It all started when I was 24 years old. I was so unhappy with how I looked at 130lbs wearing a size 8 that I went on a diet. I got down to 95lbs wearing a size 0 or kids clothes. I still looked at…
Body Image Issues
I know that I am fit and healthy, but I am having body image issues. I bought a size 6 jean in the spring and it seems to be loose on me this fall. I know that I am not fat, but when I look in the mirror just recently I still see myself as fat. It is confusing to me because not that long ago when I was heavier I felt so…
Canadian Girls!!
Okay, so I am struggling to get enough protein into me. I have never found a protein powder that I like. I am looking for suggestions for a protein powder that does not use artificial sweeteners! Let me know your favourites!!
Low Protein
Just recently I have not been getting enough protein as per MFP. MFP indicates that I should be eating 75g of protein a day and that fluctuates with exercise. I have been averaging 40-50grams per day. Just recently I have experience an ammonia smell after a hard workout. Everything that I have read indicates that I am not…
I am struggling to run in the heat. Does it get easier?
Sore back after running
Ok friends, I have been running for a year. I did stop during December and January. Recently I have had a very sore lower back after my run. I am presuming it's because of my posture, but I am very conscious of my posture during my run. Has this happened to anyone else?
Very hungry the next day after a run...
I get so hungry the day after a run. I am physically active all week doing various workouts, but every time after I run I can't get enough of food into me the next day. Does anyone else experience this?
Running and Shin pain
Good Morning All! I am new to running and am trying really hard to get into it. However, I have a lot of shin pain while I am running. Should I run through the pain or am I going to cause myself trouble? Thanks Joanna