would like to be in a group for weigh ins to keep motivated!
I use to be 160 pounds then went down to 145 now I'm 126 and I still don't feel great. My friends are my weight and you can't see any fat on them. I have huge thighs. I'm a size eight. I have a friend that's my height three pounds lighter and in a size four! I want to get down to 110 but I don't even know if it's possible…
I use to be 160 then went to 140 and when I was 140 and I would always say if I was just 120 I would be able to wear a bikini ... Now I'm 123-126 and I still feel fat and disgusting.. Should I cut more calories. I started going to the gym again two weeks ago haven't missed a day since. Please help!
It's very frustrating
I have been stuck on 130! i eat 1200 calories a day. should i be counting my carbs to? and if so what are some good things to eat?