Hi all. Every single time that I post anything, you guys all encourage me by commenting. I am only on this when I'm on my phone typically, so I don't get to type often. I just want to say thank you all for always being so kind and encouraging to me even with the smallest victories. Keep up the good work. It's nice to get…
Hi all. Let's get some more posts on here. I started today with 6 products a day. I have to admit, that even though I had 80 oz of water in addition to the 6 products, I was hungry all day. More than that, I found myself thinking constantly about when the next "meal" will be there in 3 hours. Haha. I am a teacher, so I am…
My name is Rachel and today is my first day beginning a physical supervised weightloss program in Cincinnati's Jewish Hospital. Is anyone else here doing this or something like this? I'd like to use this site as a place of support.