Just wondering what everyone thought process is on moving a household out of one place and into another ... Does that count as exercise? And if you think so then how would you post that as an exercise? We are moving my in-laws across the state and will be doing most of the work.
Help ... Here is it , well it's been about a week now that I have been eating better and I feel I am hitting a wall. I mean how much Yoplait light can you eat. And I am sick of Chicken Vegetable Soup, and baked Chicken.... Ugh... What are you eating. I need to have recipes and a pre made plan. So here I am turning to all…
Do any of you who drink coffee track it also in your food diary??? I use truvia instead of sugar and 1% milk instead of cream ... should I track this.
Hi all, this is my first post and I am hoping to find some friends for motivation..... :smile: I need it really. For a year I have been yo-yo-ing and I keep going up with my weight. Nothing seems to work for me then I get depressed and eat even more.... Any ways here I go again.... Any helpful hints or ideas, would be…