Gaining muscle
Im trying to gain muscle. Please tell me if you think 2200 calories a day is far too much. I'm 5'5 and 139lbs atm and i train 4-5 days a week Thanks in advance
Goal weight 5'5 ladies
Just wondering, i'm 5'5, 33 and currently 149lbs my stats are 33-35-38 What are your stats and goal weight?:happy:
Just started using the barbell doing squats, rows and overhead. I find it so heavy as all i can manage is 15kg squat, 5kg overhead and 10kg row. On top of this our bar is only 9kg. I must be weak right?
Fat loss
I'm looking to lower my body fat I'm 22%. Have you any tips for me please?
My body
Hi honest opinions on my body. I'm currently 147lbs 5,5 How much more should I lose?
tone and weight loss
Has anyone found they gain waight if they start using weights to improve muscle tone?