I am 30 weeks and I currently have my calorie goal set to gain a half pound a week. I typically get close to that goal, some days are under and some are over. I never restrict myself if I'm getting close to my goal but I will try to substitute a lower calorie food if hungry. My problem is since hitting 27 weeks I've gained…
So background: I'm 5'7", with my first pregnancy I started at 146 pounds which was an all time high for me. While I was not sick or nauseous the first trimester I still managed to lose 3.5 pounds and I just said my body was redistributing the extra fat I had. I never counted calories and I still ended at 183, 37 pounds…
I plan to ask my doctor at my first appointment but that's in 3 weeks. My sister is getting married in September and before I knew I was pregnant I ordered the bridesmaids dress in a 6 with the intention to lose weight (5-7 pounds). I'm a comfortable 8 right now and the dress fits fine everywhere but the hips and thighs. I…