So i broke my leg roller skating. Been bed resting for 3 weeks already and will have a cast on till december. My Meds are so strong i have to eat ever 4 hrs and i feel like i have to eat a decent amount of food, other wise i feel nauseated. I feel like im going to gain all my wheight back :( Having a hard time eating the…
So im having trouble with scales... The one at home says im 185 (cheap scale from walmart) The one at my friends house says im 185. Scale at other friends house says 190. Scale at work (industrial box scale) (not really that big of a scale but it is for shipping) shows im 196. Im confused :( dont want to go to the doctors…
Ok so today is my forth day using myfitnesspal! Im being strong but seems that im hungry all the time now. But hopefully i will reach my goal!