5' 11" 202 pounds, any tall girls out there?
Like the title says I'm 5' 11" and 202 pounds. I want to get healthy for my height, which is for a large bone structure about 170 pounds. Anyone else? Let's be friends? I see so many 5' 4" or 5' 2" people asking, figured I would too. I know I can't be 115 pounds, not with my body build and height. (I went to high school…
Getting more protein?
I want to build up more protein in my diet. My problem is I don't eat meat except at dinner and occasionally a small amount at lunch. Do you have any ideas for how I can get more protein during the day? My calorie intake that I should have is 1700, not including exercise, and I always go under.
Hello, I'm new.
Hello everyone, I'm Jo and I'm 28 years old. I was diagnosed with Bipolar when I was 17 and last year I was diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). DID isn't probably known on here, so I'll give a short run down. I means due to severe trauma in my childhood I formed alters (formerly called personalities when…
I was just wondering if there was anyone from Colorado that would like to be friend? I'm days away from turning 28, weigh 202 pounds, and want to get to 170 pounds. I'm not sure what else to say. Colorado people hit me up as friend. :smile:
Weight loss surgery? Anyone else?
I wouldn't mind having some friends that underwent weight loss surgery. I had gastric-bypass in 2009, lost 175 pounds. I gained 30 of those pounds back and am looking to hit 175-170 again. Any kind of weight loss surgery applies!
Rest Days
How do you guys go about your exercise rest days? I've been exercising everyday since I started my new fitness plan, so about two weeks. Today I went out and even with stretching before my walk I ended up cramped and uncomfortable. So I decided today will be my first actual rest day. I think for my rest days, I'm going to…
Emotional Crash after Exercise
It happens to me every day. I go for my walk, at a very brisk pace, and when I come home I feel great! Best mood ever! But about 45 minutes later, I just crash emotionally. I feel horrible about myself, I get annoyed with things easily (like I want to strangle my husband right now just because he's been playing a stupid…
Other Housewives?
I was wondering if fellow housewives wanted to be friends (or anyone, I don't discriminate)? I'm 28 yrs old and can't work by order of my therapist and psyciatrist. My lovely husband and I don't have any kids (no plans on them). So what I do during the day is mostly housework and play on the Internet (excluding doctor…
Mental meds fighting against me
I have a lot of medical problems (metabolic syndrome, hypothyroid, fibromyalgia) but my biggest obstacle is the medication I take for my psychological problems. I'm on Lithium, Geodone, and Zoloft. Most of which cause weight gain (on top of my medical problems). I feel like my mental/health problems are setting me back. I…
Eating When You Don't Grocery Shop - How?
I don't shop for food. My husband is a Butcher at a grocery store, he gets off typically at 9 so he does all the grocery shopping for the next day. So far he's been supportive of my "diet" (I don't like that word). He got me that grilled chicken you use for salads and all of the veggie fixings. But he's still in control of…
In a Relationship (or not) Who did you end up with?
There's a lot of single or not, how about relationship or not? What did you end up with? Single? What do you want to end up with? Was what you ended up with what you expected? I'm married. I ended up with a lazy, calm, overly-giving, and drinking kind of man. (drinking without anger, yay!) Wasn't what I expected, he…
Lose Skin
I have a lot of lose skin. I had gastric-bypass and lost weight really quickly. MY lose skin has become the one thing on my body I hate more than my weight. And I want to continue watching what I'm eating and starting up with exercise, but I'm afraid I'm just going to create more lose skin. It's really holding me back. Is…
My name is Jo, I'm about to turn 28 and I live is Denver, Colorado, USA. I have a wonderful husband and three beautiful, and naughty, kitties. I'm unemployed due to mental health issues, so I'm not very active. I joined a local weight loss program called Weigh and Win (you get money for every 5% you lose). So I'm weighing…