I work as a Full Time Paramedic, I have a wife that has been really sick and nearly died in 2012. We have a 13 year old daughter that I want to be around to take care of her and my wife. I have never excercised in my life, In January of 2013 I started P90X,I was hooked, after the 1st day I said I can't do this, however my…
I work as a Full Time Paramedic, I have a wife that has been really sick and nearly died in 2012. We have a 13 year old daughter that I want to be around to take care of her and my wife. I have never exercised in my life, In January of 2013 I started P90X,I was hooked, after the 1st day I said I can't do this, however my…
I am starting an online health and fitness support group in a couple of weeks. Included is: A personalized workout program, my favorite meal replacement once a day to help curb cravings, a fully customizable meal planner, and a Challenge Group spot for accountability and support. We all work together and help each other!…
My name is Shane, I am a full time Paramedic and I have a wonderful family in whom I love dearly. July 2012 really changed my life, I realized how quickly life can change.