21 days in and lost just under 2 pounds and 1 inch lost from my chest (which isnt surprising as i finished bfing 6 weeks ago). i have been training 4-5 times a week for 6 weeks and nothing is happening.,,, please help! and to be honest the projected weight loss you get once you complete the diary is really annoying me. it…
Hi I was introduced to this last week and LOVE IT! My baby is 22 weeks now and after losing 2 stone in the first two weeks after having her I have stayed 12 stone for 20 weeks!!! Its a joke, very depressing! 5 weeks ago I hit the gym and workout 5 times a week. one bodypump class for 60min, zumba for 60min, extreme cycle…
My daily goal for sugar is 28g a day, however i enjoyed an apple, banana and a satsuma at lunchtime today, these three pieces of fruit amounted to 38g of sugar putting me way over. I would like to eat fruit as I really enjoy it and is a good source of vital vitamins. But how am I ever going to reAch my goal when lovely…