

  • Thanks alantin!! Now I need to find lots of nice food to eat to boost my calories. Who would if thought eating enough was so difficult!! Sham I can't eat mars bars, that would be lovely...
  • Katbat, I think the days it says below 1000 are the days I doing spinning classes where I burn 900 calories (its a ridicilous class!) and I just cant seem to be able to eat the calories back. Especially if I also go for a walk with my girls. I do enter everything in to the diary, as I ve lied to myself before and wont do…
  • Thanks Katbas, Im 167cm and 166pounds, (Oh my god that looks like im spherical!!) the worst thing is that I have been 168pounds for 20 weeks after losing 28 pounds in two weeks. I didnt put any weight on no matter how much I ate, so thats why its so disheartening that Im trying really hard and exercising like crazy. Im…
  • Hi feel re-motivated already, thanks guys. Im doing 2 spinning classes a week, both are the advanced classes. the instructor said how many calories had been burned and i overheard a lady with a weight wathchers calorie counter thing on say the same figure. i also do body pump which is a resistance class with a bar and…
  • As you can see by my ridiculous weight loss that measurenments are the way forward for me, I am def slimmer and my stomach is in better shape now than pre-pregancy 1 yr ago!! I put on a top today and cant believe how good it looks on! I look and stare in the mirror everyday and visualise what I want to look like/how I used…
  • Thanks for all your replies guys. Def some great food for thought!! When I said I had fruit for lunch, it was my dessert. Before Reading these replies I had already made a decision to fit out fruit as snacks and have mor vegetables!! Wish me luck!! Something has to work!'
  • HI just a short one from me, I also find that usually this is very effective for me however the only problem is that i just cant keep it up for more than a few weeks/months. I end up craving a sandwich or pasta or something else delicious and before I know it is crept back on!! this time I am going to make a lifestyle…
  • HI I finished nursing 4 weeks ago, up until then I ate well in fact, too well. The funny thing is that I ate and ate and ate, and my weight stayed the same i could eat as much chocolate and crisps and would still stay the same, then Im strict and stay the same. It wouldnt be so bad if I gained weight when I endulged but it…
  • 2 stone is 28 pounds . my sw is 168 gw 144.
  • Just done my measurements - that was painful!!! :sad: Yes I eat my exercise calories, which feels rather peculiar as my spinning class burns 900 calories!! One issue is Im struggling to eat enough carbs that are too calorific. I have always been extremely sporty and never had to watch my weight until I got married had my…
  • I hadnt thought about taking measurements. My jeans are slighlty looser and I am alot trimmer, but no weightloss! ANd husband said he could feel my hips last night which is brill but still alot of flubber once I relax my abs!! how do i make my food diary public?