Hi, am posting here after Sarah suggested starting a topic would be the best place... Basically I am veering off track and think i need to use this time to consider where I want the track to actually be. I ramble a lot so apologies for the length of post but would really value any thoughts/input because I want to get back…
Anyone who can offer advice/experience woudl be so welcome! I hurt my knee - best assessment from physio seems to be I "nicked" the cartilage in a twisting movement while foot was planted (I was in the kitchen, not exercising!). I didn't run for 10 days, just did upper body weights, hand bike and walking (carefully!) in…
Help! I have hurt my knee and it's swollen etc so I need ideas for upper body work that does *not* use my whole body (usually run/rower/elliptical and squat/deadlift/push press)... My physio says I have to rest it for 48 hours, and not even swimming sounds a good idea as twisting my knee hurts and I usually swim breast…