I'm coming off of two months of medically enforced "rest" to working out again. I know what the doc has said but I'd like to hear from people that have had discectomies/micros (mine was L4/L5-L5-S1) and have successfully returned to weight training, cardio, etc. Have you been able to successfully lose/tone? Any advice?…
I it possible for you to feel as attracted to a woman after having seen her at her heaviest as you would a woman that you've only seen "in shape?" I know that as I lose weight, I am having issues with still seeing the grossness of fat, I guess I still see me as a "before" and can't picture the work in progress. I used to…
I know that at some point I need to get off the treadmill and into the gym. At what point do I know that it's time? Is there such a thing as being too fat to lift weights? I know that building muscle leads to a higher metabolism and calorie burn...can I build muscle while still osing fat? Where will it be? under all the…
I am an about to be single mom looking to find the "me" I left somewhere along the road called Life. I know she is there somewhere under the pounds and pounds of grotesquely sculptured fat. I need all the help I can get. I need a few "friends" to continue the journey and walk, jog, run, crawl the rest of the way with me. I…