Need some swimmer friends :)
Just went swimming last night for the first time in months. I really want to get back to going a couple times a week, at least. I used to be a lifeguard so swimming is like...my thing. Love water. Anyway, I did 8 lengths doing different strokes (backstroke, front crawl, egg beater...only made it halfway across the pool…
What's the difference between losing weight and body fat %??
This confuses me greatly. Please explain. And maybe offer advice as to how to do this. Note: I do not go to the gym. I find it boring and I just...can't do it. I've tried so many times. I do swim, though. Used to occasionally do a lil yoga at home but that's all. I have been eating better, too. Lots of bunny food, try to…
Anyone use Truestar for the meal plans?
A girl at work is psyched about the site and I have checked it out... The meal plans are compleeeeetely personalized. You can choose what kind of diet you'd like (I chose low calorie, high protein), what foods you dislike (so they won't be added to your menu), how many meals and snacks per day, how many people you're…
If I Can't Actually Look Skinny, What's the Point?
I know, I know, I should be eating better and exercising to be healthy, not to look skinny. But I'm not and I am losing motivation because I don't think the body I want is even physically possible. See, I want to look like this: http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ma3orjQiwb1rg2g7yo1_500.jpg However, my hips are crazy high,…
Men and Body Hair
I was out for drinks with a couple friends recently (one male, one female) and we were discussing this. My guy friend is quite a furry dude. My female friend is a total hippie and sees no problem with a man having lots of chest/body hair. Personally, I can't stand it. Even a little bit. Body hair besides on the arms, legs…
App Start-up Food Picture
Looks like mussels and some kind of beet salad? Whatever it is, it looks delicious and if anyone can give me recipes that look like that, I will love you forever. Help me get that food in my mouth. Nom. EDIT: Just realized there's actually a recipe section. My bad...
Intermittent Fasting; Your Thoughts?
So I found this: http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/28xO2x/:1eP-m80Ck:Pi0b$w0M/scienceblog.com/69788/fast-eat-repeat-diet-promises-fast-results/ In theory, I like the idea. And I could probably pull it off, too. The whole eat-whatever-you-want on non-fasting days though doesn't seem good to me. I'd still try to eat relatively…
Argus Phone App...Anyone have it?
I just downloaded this app and it looks super funky but I have no idea how to use it properly. It tracks how many steps you take in a day, you can keep track of your food using photos, track your route if you run and stuff... But I don't understand the calories on it. It as "total basal" and "total daily" and there is no…
Snapchat...Is this okay? What do you think?
So, those of you who don't know what this is, it's an app on iPhone for you to send photos to friends that are only visible for a few seconds. There's a "best friend" feature, who shows up when you have exchanged more photos with that person than any others on your contact list that week. Now, my boyfriend has it. He works…
Body-Shaming and Obsession
I have recently started a secret blog on Wordpress (that has nothing to do with health or fitness) and was skimming through the Freshly Pressed articles by other writers. I stumbled across this one and fell in love. It really made me think about how much of an affect my body's shape and size has had on my personal…
So I've got this supplement...
I've used this stuff off and on, but when I did use it more frequently, it did seem to help kill my cravings and hunger and I lost a bit of weight. Do any of you know much about this one? Is it safe? I'm having a really hard time finding much info about it online, besides this link right herrrrrr:…
I Am Food Illiterate
I try to eat healthier....as in eating more veggies, less grease, smaller portions... But everyone keeps going on about how I need proteins and less carbs and sodium and blah blah blah... I don't know what the eff this stuff is. And I lack the funds to buy things like chicken breasts and organic everything. I seem to be…
Any of You Kids Use 8tracks.com for Tunes?
I'm talking about the website, 8tracks.com. It's all user uploaded playlists and you can search for anything... Genre (rock, pop, chillwave), what you're doing (workout, party, smoke, sleep), artist... It's pretty fantastic. Thought I'd mention it cause there's a lot of wicked workout/running playlists on there. I've found…
Ladies: Mother Nature Demands Massive Amounts of Chocolate
When that lovely time rolls around each month when all you want to do is curl up in the fetal position and fill every inch of your being with chocolate, what do you do? Give in? Eat just a little? Or refuse and force everyone around you to deal with your bitterness of being a woman and suffering from hormone overload and…