Low Calorie Food?
Hey, I was wondering.. what are some low calorie foods, meals and snacks that are both healthy and filling? Thanks inn advance :)
Two years ago....
Two years ago, weighing in at 102kgs, I joint a gym... things didn't go well, so I gave up... Since then I gained 10kgs, making my total weight at 112kgs.. Now, five weeks after joining a newer, more helpful gym I've lost 13kgs...!!!! Not much on a huge success but I am SOOOO happy and it's a great success for me :)
My weight loss
Hi Everyone, I'm Kelsey - I am 18.. 6 weeks ago I was 112kgs.. After a 6 week challenge at the gym 'Curves' I lost 4kgs and 27 centimeters over my body - The most was my abdomen where I lost a staggering 9cm! I couldn't afford to go back to curves so I've joint another gym and hoping to keep my weight loss up! :) - Kelsey.