Ever since I started educating myself about exercise and clean eating back in 2005, one of my major and constant obstacles has been my family, specifically my mom. I'm actually getting my degree in health education and have become obsessed with educating children in order to start good habits early on. Anyway, I wasn't…
I can say one of the worst habits I have ever picked up is going to sleep at one in the morning night after night. Whether I have to get up at 7 or able to sleep in, that is my regular bed time. This is obviously causing havoc on my body and I'm aware of it but even if I tell myself all day that I need to be in bed by…
Do you find harsh people motivational? I have a friend who is working on being a trainer and recently started a conversation with him about habits and work outs. Though he has a lot of knowledge to offer, he has a tendency to come off as judgmental and I don't find it very motivating. In fact, it makes me want to rebel. I…
My name is Rachel and I'm a 29 year old single mom and full time student. I was an avid runner and volleyball player until I hurt my back February of 2010 and had to deal with a lot of other nonsense which led me to gain 50lbs by December. It's been an emotional roller coaster and I'm finally in a good place and ready to…