ChaCha9904 Member


  • Good thoughts everyone. I just don't like being treated like I'm dumb. I am perfectly aware that I can't rely on just volleyball to keep me in shape and I'm also aware that drinking beer won't give me a six pack...thanks for the not so new info...
  • Finally hit 2.25 miles while running on Saturday so really going to push this week to do that a few more times this week!
  • After four awkward years of braces in middle school and high school, I love my smile! I also have very nice hazel eyes :D
  • They're not kidding when they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. For breakfast you really need to be loading up on fiber, complex carbs and protein because not only are you relieving your body from the "fast" of sleeping but it's where you can really get your energy going for the day. In reality, you need…
  • and also make sure that those 1200 are counting for something...good carbs, healthy fats and lean proteins
  • they say weight loss is 85% food, 15% exercise BUT the more muscle you have, the more fat you will burn when you're not doing anything at all. If you are going have that many rest days then I would recommend pushing cardio and weight training on the days you work out that way you build up your muscle mass and that way you…
  • I don't know why parenting does that to some people...I have felt the same way for the past 7 years...the joys of being a parent I don't think you should depend on energy pills for the rest of your life, though. What is your eating regimen like? Eating the right foods can really take away that slow, tired feeling. Clean…
  • How do I join this group?
  • Obviously there are some soups that count as entire meals and you have to watch your salt with a lot of them. But sipping on low sodium chicken or veggie broth with a few noodles might help. The Japanese do this...that's why you usually always get a bowl to sip on when you go get sushi.
  • Whey they say not to drink your calories, it usually refers to empty calories, like a beer with dinner. That's adding an extra 120 cals and it's not giving you any health benefits (though recent research might debate that...). So if you grabbing a soda or juice or cappuccino through out the day on top of all your solid…
  • A lot of my friends run barefoot or use Vibrams and they swear by it. They say it's easier on the joints simply because your platform is a lot closer to the ground and a lot of running shoes have unnecessary cushioning. I've done it a few times but settled for long distance running flats (Adidas XC spikeless) which I…
  • Welcome! This is a great site and offers so many things people need to stay on track :D
  • I'll start looking for a willing participant
  • haha coitus...agreed
  • I take melatonin randomly because I don't want to become dependent on it. But these late nights need to stop before I start school in August! I think I might try some relaxation techniques and relaxing music. Or liquor. Just kidding.