Caffeine and Redbull and Adipex

So0o0 since my first kid, I have yet to wake up and want to work out before he gets up, because it it literally the only time i have available.

Im tired of spending money on Redbull, Stackers, overloading with coffee and am starting to think of asking for a prescription of Adipex (appetite suppressant) from the doctor..

Whats your opinion on those types of 'energy pills'? And is there a natural way to get energy, i feel burned out when i get up, even after getting a good nights sleep.


  • ChaCha9904
    ChaCha9904 Posts: 20 Member
    I don't know why parenting does that to some people...I have felt the same way for the past 7 years...the joys of being a parent

    I don't think you should depend on energy pills for the rest of your life, though. What is your eating regimen like? Eating the right foods can really take away that slow, tired feeling. Clean eating really helps eliminate those toxins in your body that zap your energy. I also enjoy green me a kick without the jitters.
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    having good nutrition habits with lots of clean foods rich in complex carbohydrates and healthy fats will give you that energy, as well as getting a lot of sleep (good luck on that part, sorry!)
  • knumommi
    knumommi Posts: 29 Member
    Within the past month I cut out all the soda, stopped baking desserts without nutritional content, and drink the recommended amount of water a day. I just started counting calories about a week ago. I also starting adding more complex carbs to my diet, and usually in the morning I'll eat eggs or cereal, but after all the necessary chores I do and keeping my son busy, I have no energy to get off my butt.

    I know how bad those pills are for you, a friend was taking zantrac something or another but I don't want to keep going that route. I want to find something to give me the physical energy and this is where I've always taken or drank something.

    Overall after the past two weeks I have been feeling healthier and less bloated..
  • knumommi
    knumommi Posts: 29 Member
    having good nutrition habits with lots of clean foods rich in complex carbohydrates and healthy fats will give you that energy, as well as getting a lot of sleep (good luck on that part, sorry!)

    that's the thing I get plenty of sleep, anywhere from 7- 9 hours a night. I guess eventually it will just get easier as I learn more about healthier eating
  • My wife recently had our son 3 months ago and she was feeling so exhausted from getting up in the middle of the night and then working and all the motherly things she did. She also wanted a natural way to boost her energy and started using Herbal Concentrate Tea daily and she has tons of energy, gets everything done is always happy and gets to spend more time with our son. She also doesn't get the crash at midday.
  • ChaCha9904
    ChaCha9904 Posts: 20 Member
    They're not kidding when they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. For breakfast you really need to be loading up on fiber, complex carbs and protein because not only are you relieving your body from the "fast" of sleeping but it's where you can really get your energy going for the day. In reality, you need to remain full until your next snack or even lunch...cereal won't give you that and eggs really need to be paired with something else.

    Try 1/2 cup of slow cooking oatmeal (the original...none of that quick cooking flavored stuff) put some fruit and nuts (I personally like berries or apples and almonds) ground flaxseed and cinnamon. I also add a tablespoon of plain fat free Greek yogurt and a bit of honey. On top of that, I eat two boiled eggs. It's satisfying, filling and full of great healthy things. Sounds like a lot but it's a good balance of everything. There are other options if you don't like some or any of things :D
  • erinlea75
    erinlea75 Posts: 47 Member
    Would you say the suffer from typical parental sleep deprivation or are you exhausted all the time? After my 3rd, despite getting good sleep, I was always exhausted. Often went to bed when the kids did. Struggled to walk up stairs, etc.

    Had a physical and my thyroid was out of whack. A few weeks after starting thyroid medicine I was no longer exhausted.
  • AReasor
    AReasor Posts: 355 Member
    I was like that but it ended up that I was anemic. I take a multivitamin and B12 daily and that works wonders for me.
  • knumommi
    knumommi Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks for the replies,

    The oatmeal idea sounds good, I have been trying to find new things besides carb loaded pancakes and waffles and french toast type things I make for my son, although i have been trying the wheat versions and sugar free syrup, with fruit on the side, it was always lacking the protein though.

    About the anemic and thyroid problems, these things I've actually suspected before, my insurance should be kicking in next week, I hope to get checked out because it's been since January when I had my gallbladder out and wondered if I have any vitamin deficiencies as well. I'm trying to wait until I get a blood test before I start spending money on any kind of supplements or multivitamins.