What's the craic. Two words. Intermittent Fasting. Yay or nay? Opinions please and thanks.
What's the craic everybody! In everyone's opinion, what's the best meal for fat loss? Preferably looking for something with high protein and low carbs, and a few examples of diet plans if possible! Thanks in advance for opinions ;)
Hi all, what's the craic? I'm new to the forums and decided I'd get into the whole message board thing. I recently purchased a box of Perfect Fat Loss dietary pills. I haven't opened them yet and they're just sitting on the counter like a stalking butler, but I'm looking for opinions on dietary supplements in general and…
What's the craic. Just wanted opinions and personal experience regarding which routine to use for weightlifting. I.e. Full body 2 days a week, upper body and lower body or a different muscle group each day. I personally find myself unable to finish a full body workout due to fatigue. Thanks for opinions in advance.