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Tried overnight oats for the 1st time this morning. Fcking groce. I used 1/3 cup greek yogurt, 1/3 cup milk 1/3 cup oats, 1 scoop chocolate protein, 1 spoon peanut butter. Was hoping for a epic chocolate/pb combo but it tasted sour/tangy. Will have to keep experementing. Maybe flavored yogurt instead of plain? Just moved…
It was on @ the resturant I went to for lunch. Think I am a fan now
http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/07/24/background-checks-for-guns-in-colorado-reportedly-jump-41-percent-since-movie/ Colorado gun stores are seeing a big jump in demand for firearms since last Friday's massacre at a midnight movie showing in Aurora. Background checks for people wanting to buy guns in Colorado reportedly…