Hi, I am in the UK and looking to educate myself better in terms of nutition, metabolism etc. I exercise regularly and eat well and (until 2 weeks ago) had reached a plateau. I am now on the move again (even if it is only half a pound at a time) but would like to understand the science behind food, exercise a little more.…
Hi there, I'm thinking about getting a watch that'll tell me more accuratelty how many calories I have burnt off in an exercise session. I am sure lots of you out there already have these and so was looking for a recommendation - I am based in the UK rather than the US if that makes any difference :) Thanks!
Hi everyone. I have literally downloaded this about 10 minutes ago and have started adding my food :) I'm based in the UK and have been trying the new weight watchers system. The old one worked for me, the new one doesn't so I thought I'd try something else!! So here I am. Quick q for anyone doing the shred DVD - how do I…