Hi guys, Over the past couple of years, through changing my diet and doing more cardio, I've lost around 93lbs and gone from wearing XXL t-shirts and 42 inch jeans to medium t-shirts and 34 inch jeans. However I'm worried that I'm not doing things correctly as I'm still carrying plenty of chub around my middle. I'm a 6ft…
Since starting to take getting healthy seriously at the start of the year, I've lost around 19 pounds but my waist measurement has barely moved since late January when I first measured it. If it has it's only by around half an inch at best. Any idea why this might be? Am I burning muscle, or am I just burning fat in other…
Hello everyone, I spend 40 minutes on the exercise bike each day, biking vigorously and burning around 700 calories. I also go on the treadmill etc but this is my main form of exercise. I told MFP I want to exercise six times a week for 40 minutes to lose 2 pounds a week and it set my exercise goals but I've only just…