My easiest meal on the road is breakfast hands down. The Courtyards - my hotel of choice - have a very good healthy start choice. What is yours?
Land here before your next trip! Let's make this group a value added destination.
I remember when I had to quit smoking how I would quit, start, quit again, and start yet again. The QUIT SMOKING became my waking thought and I was getting sick of it. I finally quit and it dawned on me I don't think about it anymore. In fact, QUIT SMOKING is not even in my vocabulary! Today my waking thought is WEIGHT…
Good Morning - When I walk my lower legs get very tight. I am noticing that I do not have a full gate (or roll out step) but it is because it is so tight. My doctor tells me to work through it, but I feel like I should be doing some particular stretches to cure this problem. I want to keep going as I am not winded, but the…