Anyone tried it? Success? I know this is not necessarily the place for fads and gimmicks, etc, we're here to eat better and work our buns off. But honestly, I'm feeling lazy lately and I need a boost. What do you know?
I just read a great post about 5'2" gals and their goals, so I thought I start one for us! I'm about 5'9" and I'm gunning for 135 lbs. I will get there!!! Also, I'd love it if you'd share HOW you're working on your goals.
So I've had pain in my right hip which seems to be interconnected with numbness in the lower right leg. This only happens while running. It's been going on for a few months. I decided to push through it initially. Then I went on vacation for a week and was super lazy and didn't get back to working out for a full week after…
Ok. So the scale at my gym also tells you your body fat percentage. I have no idea what mine actually is but at 5'9" and 140 lbs, I guessing that it can't be what it reads. It says that I am 31.2% fat. Is this possible? Can anyone explain this to me? Thanks in advance :)
So. I never cook. Ever. Don't judge me when I ask: what is spaghetti squash and where do I get it and how do I prepare it? :blushing:
Does anyone have any good strategies to work out this area? I know I probably just need to eventually run it all off, but any target workout suggestions would be greatly appreciated :ohwell: