Where are my fellow Pagans out there?!? I know you are here! (searches behind a bush, a tree, the coffee table at Starbucks) "come out come out where ever you are!!!!" I am Theresa, a Maryland resident looking for other Pagans and other weight losers! SO wake up and talk to me! I myself am an eclectic pagan for over 12…
I REALLY want to try Roller Derby- the excitement, the fun, the OUTFITS!!!! Unfortunately, I don't know how to skate on quads (YET!) and feel I am too big right now to even think of trying for fresh meat! Are their any others who might have some sage advice to give a wanna-be newbie?!? :P Smoochie Boochies Bishes
For all of us that have rubby skin places- I bought the gauze for bandages- you know the 2 inch by 2 inch ones? I slip one under each b{reast and withing a day the chaffing and redness is gone! This also works for belly overflow and thighs ( slip into excersize pants where they need to be with a little med tape (just like…
So I know it isn't a lot, but having lost 11lbs only its a lot. I have been keeping to my calories and walking. Any thoughts for longer time losers? (as in weight not weird lol) Theresa :cry:
I started MFP on Monday and have been watching carefully- not hungry and happy with my meals thus far. I quit sodas and have been making the conscious effort to drink at least 6 glasses of water a day- a 24oz insulated cup in the morning/ afternoon and another in the evening along with 2 cups of coffee which I count as its…