Hi Everyone from the Newbie :)
Hiya everyone, just joined the site and finding it amazing! Got fed up of always being the fatter one and feeling totally inadequate whenever I went out. Recently we went on holiday abroad and I was about the only person NOT in a bikini... not that i'm sure I could wear one anyway but I can dream :wink: I was the weirdo…
Newbie :)
Hi I have just started this diet as I have been so miserable about my weight. From reading... I think I am early in the stages of my Fibromialgia. I suffer from joint pain and struggle to sleep. My symptoms have slowly deteriorated over the last few years and I feel sometimes that no one understands what i'm going through.…
Hi All :)
Hiya, I am a parent of 2 deaf children and currently studying my British Sign Language Level 3. Trying to lose weight again!!! Seem to have low will power but hoping with some support that I can change that. Look forward to losing with everyone :)