Why is it that we crave carbs so much, and yet they are ultimately unsatisfying?? By this I mean, I really hanker for the sweets and the breads and the chips, but once I start eating them, there is no "Wow. I've had enough." Instead I want to eat and eat until I'm in a stupor. It's the old potato chip "you can't each just…
In addition to the in-progress weight loss, I want to healthify my eating. We recently read an article that boiled down to the following: "Eat Real Food, Eat Less, Mostly Plants." I need some help in creating or finding side dishes appropriate for everyday meals--the kind of thing you can pull together fairly quickly. I…
So, I've been going to counseling for my food issues. One of the things I've learned is to watch out for "fooling myself" thoughts: like, "If I eat the cookie crumbs off the platter, that won't count." Or, "Well, I'm at the party, obviously I MUST eat dessert. It won't matter." Well, as I look at this website, I see some…