I've decided that my bathroom scale is possessed by a bitter, menopausal poltergeist. This morning I stood on scale and it was up a pound from yesterday... muttered darkly :grumble: and brushed my teeth. Stood on it again (3 minutes later), now I'm TWO pounds heavier than yesterday!! :angry: Showered, dried my hair, stood…
During the summer I discovered mint water – just a few sprigs of fresh mint left to sit in water at room temperature for a few hours, then chill (if you like … I actually prefer it at room temp.). I absolutely loved it – not a huge fan of just plain water, and it makes such a refreshing change. I have just found and bought…
So let me introduce you first to Andy, Esty and Testy (Androgen, Estrogen and Testosterone) – the competing hormones that make my daily journey through menopause a living nightma... er... challenge. Theirs is the gift that keeps on giving – 15 lbs of unshakeable flab and the reason I joined this site. Testy does double…
Anyone else trying to lose weight while going through menopause? I've been at or under 1200 calories for a week, exercising (brisk walking) for 30 minutes everyday. I lost 2 pounds, gained 1.5, lost 0.5 and gained 1. Back to where I started ... so discouraging... any advice??