I just added a sodium column on my food diary, and am completely perplexed by it - I'd be lucky if I hit half of what it's trying to get me to hit. I'm low blood-pressured, and am aware that I should be actively upping my salt (I add soy sauce to most meals...) but I'm looking for creative ways to get more sodium in me.…
I'm a coke fiend from way back, so in a bid to wean myself off coke I've downgraded to coke zero. But I'm also marginally perplexed by MFP's database listing for it: A 600ml bottle has 2 calories and 1 carb?? Whut? I know it's a bit of a can of worms in terms of urban myths and everything, but does anyone have any informed…
I'll stop being obnoxious now. I'm Suzanne, librarian and writer and big ol gaming nerd. I'm also a fatty at 100kg (220lb) and 5'6 high, and at 28 I'm rather aware that the later I leave it the harder it gets. My doctor tells me that for my height, realistically, I should be 70kgs (154lb) so that's where I'm aiming. I'm a…
So I recently was given the opportunity to take part in a 12-session three week Bikram course, having never done Bikram before (yoga, 1.5 hour sessions, room heated to 40 degrees (104F)). I've done standard (Vinyasa) yoga before, and would describe myself as fairly good at it in a beginner to middling level. But I am low…