I work 50 plus hours a week and my depo shot made me gain so much weight it's crazy. I'm going to be doing t25 but getting motivated is hard. Now very hard support at home just kinda do it if u want to ur beautiful the way u r kinda junk. Nice it is but I need help darnit. Just looking for some friends to help me out on…
I have an addiction to food. That's going to be my number one problem for sure. My second problem is going to my bad knee. Trying to work out w a bad knee I always just give up cuz it'll bother me to much. But I need to help myself.
How do you track ur workouts on here?
I just ordered t25 and has anyone else tried it?
Me personaly they dont really have the workouts on here that i do. I do zumbda just tryed putting it in didnt show up. that is a very popular workout. there has been other things that i had to make up a thing for and i dont really like that i have to do that considering i feel like its cheating. Any one else have things…