Or maybe too quickly/too big bites? I was banded almost a year ago, had a fill a little more than a month ago (I think I'm at about 5 or 6 cc's) and lately almost every time I eat I get this weird, painful gas feeling in my esophagus. Like there's air trying to come up and food trying to go down and they fight it out in…
Legend of Korra- season two. I've tried to search it but come up short. I don't watch anything else on Nick so I'm afaid I'll miss it.
Walking Dead! Doctor Who! Game of Thrones! And did anyone see Orphan Black? I've recorded it but not watched it yet! Watched the other three though- what did you guys think!??
Wondering which is best to help with the winer blahs. I get what I can from my diet but admittedly I don't eat enough fruit and veg. Can either of these supplements help? Waste of money? Thanks!
Can I ask what amount of fluid works for those that have found their balance? I got my second fill Monday and I'm now at 5 cc. Unfortunately I lost my insurance, so another fill is up in the air right now. I'm trying to see if it's ok to stay here for a while or worth the out of pocket for more fluid. Thanks!