I work with the loveliest, snarkiest group of people ever. Of the forty or fifty of us working, I'd say a good 75% are gay men. I remember my first day on the job, my manager looks me up and down and first thing he said was, "Oh girl, you need a pedicure." Right....thanks. So that sort of set the tone, and since then,…
My weight has gone up and down allllll my life and it's currently at its peak and I'd love a bit of help from anyone willing to lend it. I'm thinking my mid twenties has my metabolism slowing down and I actually have to watch what I eat and drink now haha.....no bueno! I'd love to develop a good support system with some…
Hey guys, gettting a little tired of what's on my Ipod and wondering what gets everyone up and out the door in the mornings? Gracias!