I have a question for all, if you are burning around 300cal a day and are eating about 1300 a day is it healthy?? I want to do this the right way and do not want to put my body into starvation mode, I need help my husband says it does not matter but is not what I have read so far. Help! I seem to always be 300 under my…
I am having a huge trouble managing eating healthier and staying withing calorie intake. I do about 30 to and hour of work outs a day depending on how much I worked out the week before. BUT! I am having trouble on what I eat, I try to eat 3 meals a day with 2 snacks in between but I am still way under my calories. I know…
Ok guys I hope someone replies to this, what does your daily routine consist off? From all of your meals to work out routine in a weekly schedule.