Has anyone tried the Brooke Burke DVDs? They are fabulous =)
my roommate is a red bull girl and brings home cases at a time. it is so hard to not drink them. Someone please tell me how bad they are for my so I can quit the cravings for good!!!
I'm going to be in chicago for the long weekend and I want to be able to run outside. I have no clue where to go. I will be staying at the Hard Rock on michigan Ave. I need a safe place to run in the early morning. Any suggestions?
Hi! I am currently training for a half-marathon in May and had some questions about how much I should be eating. I weigh about 125 and i'm 5'2 and 22 years old. I am not trying to lose weight but I am definitely trying to tone up and become leaner. I am currently on the 1400 calories a day which works fine, but it says I…